Physician shortages are a growing problem in the United States. The shrinking number of rural physicians combined with physician burnout exacerbates the impact on these already underserved populations.

According to the American Medical Association, rural areas are expected to have a shortage of over 21,000 physicians by 2025. Less availability leads to longer wait times for appointments and limited access to specialized care that directly affects community health.

The physician shortage in rural areas is a complex problem with no easy solution. However, it is vital to address the issues impacting primary care physicians and their patients to ensure access to quality care.

Burnout in the Face of a Pandemic

It’s no secret that Covid-19 has taken a toll on healthcare workers. In addition to the increased risk of exposure to the virus, many physicians struggle to treat reluctant patients while dealing with a rapidly changing virus.

Limited resources and higher rates of chronic disease in these communities can make it challenging to provide adequate care, leading to frustration and feeling of inadequacy.

Facing the realities of illness and the devastation it’s caused, coupled with the lower rate of preventive measures and vaccination rates, has left many healthcare providers in precarious and sometimes uncomfortable positions.

The covid-19 pandemic has also highlighted the importance of balancing personal and work life. Rural physicians often bear a heavy burden, from traveling long distances to care for patients to dealing with limited resources.

With fewer physicians available to these communities, the pressures become overwhelming. With extended hours and little time for rest or relaxation, it’s no wonder that many healthcare workers are struggling to cope.

Strategies to Prevent or Reduce Physician Burnout

The job demands can be overwhelming, and the support systems in place may be insufficient. As a result, many rural physicians are experiencing burnout at alarming rates.

However, there are strategies that physicians can use to prevent or reduce burnout. Building a solid support system can help. This may involve seeking mental health care, setting boundaries with patients and colleagues, and participating in online support groups.

Additionally, rural physicians can take steps to promote their well-being, such as exercise, relaxation, and healthy eating. Taking these measures may reduce the overall physical and emotional burden.

Ensuring Access to Quality Healthcare

Physicians in smaller communities are facing challenges outside their control. Food deserts are as common in these areas as doctor shortages.

Local governments can lobby for healthier food options closer to home and seek federal government support in providing education and counseling to their communities. In addition, addressing hunger, substance use, and other health epidemics is critical to ensuring residents have the physical and mental energy to make healthier choices.

By taking these steps, we can ensure that physicians have the support they need and that their patients have access to quality healthcare.

The Importance of the Patient-Physician Relationship

The close-knit nature of rural communities can also add to the sense of responsibility felt by rural physicians.

In many cases, patients are not simply clients but also friends and neighbors of their family physician. As a result, the line between professional and personal life can become blurred, making it difficult to set boundaries. The importance of the patient-physician relationship in preventing burnout cannot be overstated.

Both parties are better equipped to deal with the challenges when there is mutual understanding and respect. However, it is also crucial for rural physicians to seek outside support when needed.

Physician Shortages, Increased Burdens, and Burnout

Rural physician shortages have a number of adverse effects on patient care, including increased wait times for appointments and surgeries, lower quality of care, and even death.

Physician burnout is one cause, as is the aging population of available physicians and fewer students entering medical schools. In addition, early retirement and the high cost of education make drawing physicians to these underserved communities even more challenging.

How Veritas Experts Can Help

Veritas Experts offers comprehensive chargemaster reviews reducing at least one of the burdens small practices face, freeing them to focus on patient care and decreasing the time it takes for reimbursement.

Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you improve your practice’s bottom line while ensuring access to quality healthcare for your community.